Announcing our new technology partnership


We are very happy to announce the launch of our technology partnership with Aula Education.

Aula Education aims to bring the digital interface of education into the 21st century through its mobile and web application which makes it easy for educators and students to communicate with each other.

Sky School will use the platform as the main means for our facilitators, teachers and students to communicate with each other and to disseminate the curriculum. Sky School is one of the first educational institutions to sign up to the Aula platform, along with the Said Business School at the University of Oxford, and Ravensbourne.

Polly Akhurst, Co-founder of Sky School said, “We love the fact that Aula Education’s starting point is that students need to be engaged in order to learn. The Aula application borrows from channels such as Whatsapp and Slack, but with a curriculum beneath it all. We also love the fact that, unlike traditional learning management systems, Aula has a strong mobile presence, which is important as it will enable us to meet our students where they are. It is fantastic to have a technology partner that is so aligned with our own thinking, and we are really looking forward to working together.”

Anders Krohn, Co-founder of Aula Education said, "We're incredibly excited to have Sky School as one of our first partner institutions alongside established educational institutions. Our vision with Aula is to bring students and educators together to create active learning experiences enhanced by technology and driven forward by conversations. What makes the Sky School partnership particularly exciting is that this vision is completely aligned with the ethos and pedagogical principles upon which Sky School was founded."

You can find out more about Aula Education and their approach here. If you are an educator, you can also create free classes on the platform. See here for more details.


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