“Amala, for many of the students it serves, is the true place of hope where they feel supported and encouraged to set goals and be successful. Students have a variety of opportunities to make a powerful impact on their communities and the world at large” - CIS Accreditation Self Study Report
Amala’s Strategic Plan 2024-2027 - Expanding Hope
Amala was founded in 2017 to address not only the lack of access to education for refugees, but also relevant, high quality education. Since then, Amala has become a pioneer in transformative post-primary education for refugee youth. Amala’s education model, which takes departure in a belief in agency for positive change, and which is largely driven by refugees, has proven impact in contexts of displacement, having reached over 4000 young people around the world to date.
We are now ready to expand hope for refugee youth. Over the next three years, we will take our critical next steps towards our audacious goal for 2040: enabling millions of refugee and conflict-affected youth to access transformative education through which they can change their lives, communities and the world.
Strategic Aims 2024-2027:
1. Grow the impact of Amala’s transformative education programmes
We will triple the number of refugee and conflict-affected youth we serve by leveraging the expertise of our teams in Jordan and Kenya to expand and innovate. We will also seek to grow in neighbouring countries, enhance programme value, and increase accessibility for underrepresented populations.
2. Extend our model of transformative education to influence systemic change
We will collaborate with refugee youth and mission-aligned partners to tackle the vast education gap for refugee youth, aiming to influence the sector and mainstream transformative education.
3. Sustain impact through a strong funding model
We will develop a strong funding model to sustain and grow our impact through diversifying our income sources, increasing income through repeatable funding and experimenting with income generation.
Through this strategy, we aim to pave the way to having an impact on millions of refugee youth, enabling them to make change in their lives, their communities, and the world.
Join us on our journey to expand hope
To kickstart our efforts to expand hope for refugee youth, we are introducing a new match funding opportunity, where any new regular (monthly or yearly) donations will be matched for the first year. Find out more about this opportunity.
Amala’s last strategic plan, A Launchpad to Scale, ran from 2021-2024. Read it here.