Two cohorts of future leaders and changemakers graduate from the Amala Global Secondary Diploma in Amman

In March 2024, we celebrated the graduation of the third and fourth cohorts of the Amala Global Secondary Diploma (GSD) at a ceremony in Amman, Jordan. Partly organised by the students themselves, the event was a joyful celebration of all that the students had accomplished throughout the programme.

Amala GSD Programme Coordinator Hasan, and graduate (now Amala Learning Facilitator) Adhraa reflect on the day.

Hasan (centre) and his students at the centre in Amman

Hasan: As refugees, traditional celebrations and ceremonies felt like a distant memory. But graduation at Amala was unlike anything I'd ever experienced (I was a student). I wanted my students, many of whom also came from refugee backgrounds, to feel that same joy and pride.

This wasn't a typical graduation planned by faculty. We collaborated with the students, giving them ownership over their special day. Together, we planned a ceremony that reflected their journeys and aspirations. Students took on a huge responsibility, and the results were amazing!

I vividly recall sitting with Lamis (our Programme Manager) and the other students. We discussed what emotions we wanted the audience to experience. Words like "proud," "happy," "joy," "laughter," "tears," and "cheerful" filled the room. And guess what? Those were the exact emotions that resonated throughout the ceremony!

This graduation wasn't just special because it was the first one after Amala received accreditation. It was also because it celebrated two graduating cohorts! This unique combination made the event even more unforgettable.

For me, this graduation held a deeper meaning. It marked the graduation of the very first cohort I had the privilege of teaching. Words can't express the immense pride and joy I felt witnessing these changemakers and future leaders step out into the world. I eagerly await seeing what incredible things they will accomplish.

Adhraa with the Jordan Team, being presented with her Diploma

Adhraa: The graduation day was absolutely amazing. Everyone enjoyed it to the fullest. I have to say I was a little bit worried about how it was going to be, but it was fabulous. Amala was simply being Amala again, a family, and this time with more people, our loved ones. Everyone worked hard to make this day special and yes, it brought us all together. 

Both cohorts united to celebrate our achievements, our differences and the goal that brings us together, which is, the completion of secondary education. 

This day was at least as special for our parents as it was for us. They'd dreamt of this moment and seeing them in tears congratulating us was a feeling we wouldn't have encountered as refugees without Amala. 

We started the graduation with a song all of the Arab countries can relate to, “Mawtini”, which means “my homeland”. Everyone was moved by it and then we continued the ceremony. The students of the fifth (current) cohort honestly added a lot to the graduation. Many students participated with the traditional dancing and the singing group. 

Every single person who attended was wowed by the whole graduation and based on their feedback it was absolutely perfect. It was a great day where we shared our memories of what we did, worked on, and even the way we lived these 15 months together. The attendees were able to feel the bonds between every one of us. 

It was a day with mixed feelings as we were saying goodbye to this amazing time that all of us are going to miss.  At the same time, it is the beginning for 40 people to make a change and apply their learning, start their way, and make a difference in the world.

Learn more about the Amala Global Secondary Diploma.

See previous Amala graduations.


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