Reflections on Learning at Work

As an organisation whose approach is on lifeworthy learning, here at Amala we have naturally been celebrating, discussing and spotlighting how we all learn in and outside of the workplace for Learning at Work Week!

Hannah, Amala’s Fundraising Coordinator, reflects on the way that Amala’s working culture fosters continuous learning.

I have learnt so much since I started working with Amala as a fundraiser just over one year ago and I am sure it will continue in this way!

When I first joined the organisation, a big part of my role was in building up solid knowledge and understanding of the organisation, the way we work with students and with each other, and the context we work in - in order to shape fundraising activity and plans. I have learnt so much so far, from my conversations with the Global Team, with Learning Facilitators and alumni, and the community based organisations that we partner with. 

I don’t think we ever stop learning through our lives. There are always different perspectives and experiences out there that can help change the way we think about a challenge or an issue, that help us grow as people. Amala is a super reflective organisation, everyone is as intentional about the way we all learn at work, as we are about the learning that takes place on our courses and programmes.

We are all committed to growing and learning together, and in that way it’s a really inspirational place to work. 

In fundraising, as with many roles, there can be a big focus on deadlines and targets - and whilst there are always projects to progress, and timescales to keep to, there is a really powerful culture at Amala of taking time to stop and reflect, and this is done is an inclusive and supportive way. This means that every day I continue to learn and grow, personally and in my work, I am very grateful for that."

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From photography to sustainable development: GSD alumnus Joshua’s experience of Amala and beyond


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